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tmux command on Linux (terminal multiplexing)

The tmux command in Linux is another terminal multiplexer, such as screen. It allows multiple terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single window.

Like the screen, the tmux can be disconnected from the terminal and continue running, and then reconnected to the terminal.

Once tmux is executed, it creates a session with a single window and shows it on the terminal screen. A status line appears at the bottom of the terminal indicating the current session.

A session is nothing more than a set of pseudo-terminals controlled by tmux with one or more windows. The windows can occupy the entire screen, or be divided into one, or more rectangular panels. Each window will be a pseudo-terminal.

If all sessions are terminated, tmux also ends.

tmux accepts commands using the Ctrl b key combination.

Once in command mode, the most common options are:

  • ; Switch to the previous panel
  • c Create a new window
  • d Disconnect from the client
  • n Switch to the next window
  • p Switch to the previous window

x Kill the current panel - **“**Divide the window in half horizontally

  • % Divide the window in half vertically

To start tmux:

$ tmux

To create a new window with horizontal division, you must type Ctrl b, followed by the single quote ”:

Tmux with two horizontal windows
![]( arrow keys can also be used to switch between panels.

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