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Read command in Linux (read data via keyboard)

The read command in Linux is responsible for receiving data that is entered by users via the keyboard during the execution of a script.

Imagine that you want to know the user’s name to create a directory with their name. See the following script:

#! /bin/bash <br></br>echo “What is your first name?”

Read first name
echo “Hi $first name… I will create a directory with your name”
mkdir $first name When running this script it will ask for your name and create a directory as in the following example:

#. /creardirectortorio <br></br>What is your first name?

Hi Uira… I’ll create a directory with your name See this other example script to find out if a year is a leap year (year with one more day, February 29th, in the Julian calendar).

#! /bin/bash <br></br>echo “Enter the four-digit year (e.g.: 2019):” <br></br>read year <br></br>if (((“$year”% 400) == “0")) || ((“$year”% 4 == “0") && (“$year”% 100! = “0"))); then <br></br>echo “$year is leap year.” <br></br>they <br></br>echo “$year is not a leap year.”

Fi When running this script, it will ask which year you want to know if it is leap, as in the following example:

. /year <br></br>Enter the four-digit year (e.g. 2019): 2019 <br></br><br></br>2019 is not a leap year.

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