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Six Technologies Every IT Professional Should Know in 2020

In almost every sector, from traditional to cutting-edge organizations, they are adopting technologies to optimize their processes and increase business efficiency. Never before has technology been so crucial to expanding and improving businesses.

To ensure that your IT career stays on track, we’ve compiled a list of six technology trends that will govern which skills will be in high demand.


Since its inception in 2008, blockchain has established itself as an innovative technology with enormous potential to transform businesses and impact all sectors and industries.

As more organizations begin to realize the plethora of opportunities that blockchain technology can offer, they are striving to get their hands on the limited supply of qualified and experienced blockchain specialists.

Fintecs, virtual schools, loans between individuals, exchange between individuals, car rental, space rental, in short, sharing anything by anyone, and cryptocurrencies are already a reality.

Blockchain revolutionizes because it removes the intermediary from the transaction, who previously served as creditor or verifier.

In this way, people can transact anything with each other, so the network ensures that the transaction is secure. Then he takes banks, schools, rental companies, central banks, notaries, and other intermediary organizations out of the game.

AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning is an important topic of conversation among organizations as a whole, not just in IT departments.

While not all companies are ready to hire these skills yet, demand is growing from employers interested in investigating and discovering the new opportunities that AI and machine learning solutions may offer.

IT professionals with this skill set will be increasingly sought after as organizations seek ways to remain competitive and drive innovation.

Machine Learning can help mine, classify data, and also interact with human beings in the most humane way possible.

“Siris”, “Hi Google” and “Alexa” are there to prove that Machine Learning is here to stay.

Data Science and Engineering

Demand for data professionals continues to grow rapidly. According to LinkedIn’s most promising jobs in 2019, vacancies for data scientist roles grew 56% year-on-year.

Every organization is collecting data, analyzing it and seeking to solve problems and make more informed business decisions through better use of its data.

Data scientists, engineers, and analysts with experience in R, Python, Scala, and/or SQL with data visualization tools are therefore sought after to assist organizations in exploring their data. Data Scientists with extensive data experience using technologies such as Hadoop are also widely desired.

Walmart in the United States already uses datamining to cross your latest purchases with the promotional booklets that you will receive. If a woman buys cotton and body oil, she will most likely receive promotions on baby and maternity products. If you buy hoses and screwdrivers, you will receive product promotions for those who have just moved.

Cloud Engineering

Regardless of the cloud computing solution chosen by an organization, cloud engineers will need to plan, develop, configure, maintain and support cloud software and infrastructure.

Cloud engineers with a broad skill set in various cloud technologies and exposure to cloud migration projects are in demand, with AWS and Azure continuing to dominate that space with GCP slowly gaining popularity.

The CPDs of all companies are migrating to the cloud. This is already a reality.


A few years ago, “DevOps” was a coined term that few knew. Fast forward to 2019 and DevOps Engineer is the most recruited job ever on LinkedIn.

With organizations looking to integrate their internal business applications and deliver new software faster to their customers, candidates with a DevOps skill set are in high demand to effectively streamline the process.

Demand is particularly strong for candidates with a development history, as employers are seeing the additional benefits that a strong programming history can offer an organization.

DevOps is simply the best solution for delivering software and also for scaling services on the Internet.

Cyber Security

As organizations increasingly seek digital transformation and build data-based businesses, the risk of cyber threats and data breaches has never been higher.

Cyber security specialists with skills in penetration testing and intrusion detection, DevSecOps, cloud security, and cryptography are highly sought after to protect the vast amounts of confidential data and information that are being collected and stored.

And with the mandatory nature of the LGPD in 2020, the General Personal Data Protection Law, No. 13,709/2018, all companies must adapt to ensure the protection of their clients’ data, in order to guarantee control over the collection, use, and transfer of personal data in Brazil, governing the treatment of any information that identifies a person.

This means that starting next year, any public or private company will need to adapt its processes to obtain explicit consent and ensure the protection of customer data when collecting, storing, and using this information.

In addition to increasing the control of the data subject (data owner) over information, the law brings more transparency and legal certainty to entities in the public and private sectors.

That is why it is so important to understand and invest in the adaptation of IT and cybersecurity equipment, with actions to combat data leaks, among other virtual threats.

> In a world where software is swallowing everything, where data and data analysis are everything, all things are connected, where everything is sold as a service and all things are in the clouds, it is essential to be well prepared.