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Discover the main advantages of Linux for programmers

Without a doubt, you must have heard about the Linux versus other operating systems discussion, haven’t you?

There are those who defend Linux tooth and nail and those who don’t know exactly what makes it different.

To discover everything about this topic, just analyze the comparison that we added in this article, about Linux and Windows and their main differentials.

We also selected the main advantages and reasons to learn Linux and stand out in the labor market. Just continue reading and check it out. Follow up!

6 main benefits of Linux

Linux has 6 main benefits, which differentiate it from any other operating system and make it advantageous for any user, especially for programmers.

All of them can be studied individually, since they are complete and offer ideal scenarios for those who work with IT and need more resources and optimization.


Safety The first advantage of Linux could not be another: security. With Linux, it is possible to enjoy a secure system and maintain the confidentiality of your projects.

After all, when comparing Linux with Windows, Linux explodes when it comes to security. It is enough to analyze the number of attacks that each system suffers.

Windows is much more susceptible to attacks and intrusions by hackers and virtual thugs, and it is even necessary to download antivirus systems.

On the other hand, Linux does not require any type of antivirus, since it is naturally safer. Of course, it is not shielded against attacks, but it is safer than “competitors”.

2. Open source

Having open source or “open source” greatly facilitates the routine of professionals who work with IT, such as programmers.

The advantage of being able to analyze the source code and modify it, if necessary, is a great ally for all professionals, allowing customization.

3. Software updates

Precisely because it is an open source system, Linux constantly undergoes improvements and updates, always with the objective of solving problems and meeting demands.

For this reason, the distributions, or distros, that are developed always undergo updates as well, following the operating system.

This means that new features are always implemented, making the routine easier for Linux users, especially those who use the operating system (OS) to work.

4. Personalization options

The advantage of open source causes a “ripple effect” on all other advantages and functionalities.

One of them is the possibility to customize your operating system according to your needs and demands.

Thus, software that you do not find useful can be deleted, as well as lines of code that do not make sense for your use.

All of this allows you to have in hand a system with “your face”, without fear of moving, altering, or removing items from it.

Remember that this would not be possible on any other operating system - only Linux offers this useful and intense feature.

**5. Stability

Stability is another major benefit of Linux, since the system rarely presents problems, slowdowns, or crashes.

This makes it unnecessary to restart the system with each change, such as with each installation or uninstallation of software and applications.

At the same time, it’s much better to work with such an operating system: your chances of losing important documents or not saving any changes after a restart are mediocre.

That way, you can carry out your work much faster, safer and more stably, without counting on unpredictability and crashes to hinder and delay your schedule.

6. Simplified installation

Finally, an incredible benefit is the ability to install Linux without bureaucracy, difficulties, or obstacles during the process.

This is because Linux is free and can be downloaded by anyone without requiring licenses, monthly fees, or usage fees.

You can find the free system to download online and, if you have any questions, just search quickly until you find one of the numerous support communities that Linux offers.

Another interesting point is the possibility of installing the operating system on any hardware, even the oldest.

Thus, in addition to taking advantage of the old computer, you also save money and collaborate with the environment, with less disposal of electronic objects.

Linux vs Windows: comparison between operating systems

vantagens do linux e windowsPhoto: Freepik | Advantages of Linux compared to Windows. Although Linux stands out in many ways, it is not possible to say that it is the best operating system in the universe.

After all, when choosing an OS, you need to consider what your needs and goals are with it. This is the only way to make the best decision.

So, before even considering the comparison between the systems, pay attention to what your needs are… you:

  • Are you saving money and can’t afford to license an operating system?
  • do you use the operating system directly to work?
  • do you need to use heavy and important software on a daily basis?
  • Are you a developer or programmer and need access to the source code?

These questions will be the “turnaround” you needed to invest in the system that best suits you.

If your answer to these questions was “yes”, then Linux is the most feasible and interesting option for you. If not, any other one available on the market will be able to perform its function well.

Now check out this table that the Linux Certification put together so that you can easily compare the two operating systems:

of charge
Linux Windows
Investment No Investment, the System is free. There are several plans, but all are paid.
License type Open source, publicly licensed. Only those who buy have a license to use the system.
Support Several communities spread across Brazil and around the world to help you freeOfficial support through the brand's website and teaching materials on the subject.
Programs Numerous distributions (distros) exist for similar functions, making it possible to customize and choose the one you like the most. Programs and software for Windows are more limited in variety and are generally offered by the brand itself.
Security It is naturally safer and is almost never attacked, eliminating antiviruses and defenders. It is attacked and invaded more frequently and it is necessary to install antivirus.
Were you able to notice how many differences there are between Linux and Windows? With them in mind, just choose the one that's right for you.

Why learn Linux? Benefits for IT professionals

vantagens do linux para profissionais de tiPhoto: Freepik | Advantages of Linux for IT professionals. Learning Linux is even more interesting for IT professionals, who need to be constantly updated and evolution.

After all, much has been said about open source programs and even the use of containers in Linux and Docker for DevOps.

These terms are already the gift of the profession and deserve your attention as a professional. So, if you still don’t know anything or don’t use Linux, it’s time to learn!

**How to start learning Linux?

Learning Linux may be a bit different when you’re “native” to a system like Windows or MacOS. But it’s not impossible!

You just need to know where to find the correct information and apply simple and effective steps step by step, without fuss.

You can find this right here, on the Linux Certification platform! The free content that we post here on the Blog can already be major game-changers for those who are starting out.

But if you really want to learn more about Linux, the best option is to invest in our Linux Certification courses right here!

The most recommended for beginners is Linux Essentials, which covers everything from zero to advanced, with points such as:

  • Linux history;
  • virtualization;
  • Shell applications;
  • command-line scripts;
  • Linux network configurations;
  • security, permissions, and user management;
  • directories and special files.

Discover the Linux Essentials Course now and learn everything about Linux !