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What is a Middleware? Understand and learn how it works!

Middleware is a widely discussed concept in the universe of technology, software development, and data structure.

If you’re starting out in a technology-related career, know that it’s normal to feel a bit lost about terms like this.

Many people wonder what it is, how it works and what are the main types present in the market - after all, understanding this subject is essential.

To help you better understand these points, we developed this complete content, with everything you need to know about the topic. Check it out!

What is a middleware?

A middleware is like an information layer that intermediates the operating system, visible to the end user, and the system’s data processing, as well as all its applications.

It is the middleware that allows the communication and relationship between application data, from the simplest, such as accessing online browsers, to the most complex, such as accessing and relating information in databases.

All of these actions are only possible thanks to existing protocols and types of applications, each developed to perform a certain communication function within the operating system.

**And what is its function?

The main function of the middleware is the communication of data and the connection of applications, facilitating the development and preparation of tasks.

Thus, large companies that work with the development and storage of information in containers or The cloud can increase productivity and optimize resources through different intermediaries.

After all, information is communicated in a structured and systematic way in order to repeat patterns and sequence events.

In cases of security verification, for example, they have a pre-defined structure responsible for the verification and confirmation messages of data.

Despite this, it is also possible to monitor and define commands and actions in real time, through specific and differentiated processes.

Understand its importance and benefits

o que é middleware importânciaPhoto: Unsplash | There are several reasons to bet on these facilitators! Middleware is very important to optimize processes, time, and resources in organizational environments, such as technology companies that perform the most diverse types of virtual operations and on their own systems, for example.

After all, it replaces and optimizes operations that were previously extremely complex or impractical, but necessary.

Cloud native development, for example, is totally complicated to develop without the use of these facilitators, since it requires the meeting of different programming languages, tools and methodologies.

All these aspects, without the assistance of an intermediary, affect the performance of professionals, who must strive to solve complex problems in a short time.

Thus, the creation of robust and diversified infrastructures allows integration and communication between the different protocols, tools, data sources and platforms present in a company or system.

**How does the middleware work?

As you can already see, this application works as an intermediate technology between the final response (received by the user on the screen) and the databases of each application.

This means that, in order to work, the emitter does not need to be in the same place as the requested applications.

It is possible to execute these intermediaries remotely, applying them to different equipment, operating systems, and structures.

Thus, the equipment of a large IT company, for example, which generally has an immense infrastructure, can be integrated to increase productivity and save time that was formerly spent storing, maintaining, and validating data.

Another interesting point is the refinement capacity that the middleware presents regarding data processing, selecting only those that are actually necessary, through prior filtering.

In this way, the data processing capacity of a device is used to the maximum, always returning relevant and specific answers.

Main types of Middleware

o que é middleware como funcionaPhoto: Pexels | It’s important to understand which items are most popular. As in any other aspect of the technological market, in this universe there are also those that stand out and become popular. We have selected the 4 main types here. Check it out!

MOM - Message-Oriented Middleware

As its name suggests, MOM is message-oriented, meaning that one device can receive and send messages to another without them needing to be synchronized.

The “magic” happens precisely because MOM is able to create, read, and receive messages. This avoids many communication problems and blockages, which otherwise need to be performed only by synchronizing the receiving and sending servers.

This type of middleware can be applied to:

  • stock price systems;
  • order and purchase status generators; measurement of
  • traffic conditions;
  • sharing of weather data;
  • and many other options.

RPC - Remote Procedure Call Middleware

This option allows communication and even the execution of commands from one computer or device to another.

If a programmer, for example, is developing a code on his notebook and wishes to execute it on another device connected to the same network, it is enough to rely on this model.

Generally speaking, a process from an X device can call a procedure from device Y. At this point, device X interrupts its processes and executes them on the Y.

Database middleware

This modality is responsible for facilitating database communication strategies, with procedures for requesting information and carrying out activities. Very common examples are:

  • Microsoft ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), for Windows operating systems;
  • and Oracle JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), for Linux operating systems.

The results of the use of middlewares such as these are the simplification of technological activities and the establishment of quality programs.

API - Application Programming Interface

The term “Application Programming Interface”, from English, refers to the set of standards and routine programming information that are used during the development of software that may or may not have their platforms based on the web.

Through the API, your solution, be it software or a common application, can communicate with any other device. This allows the interaction of new functionalities and equipment with existing architectures.


Have you noticed how simple understanding what middleware is when you have the right source of information? Knowing the meanings of new terms, as well as their practical applications, is part of everyday life for a technology professional.

As you can see, the Linux system also has specific components in order to meet the needs of the system.

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