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Why learn Linux? See the advantages and the market in which they operate

If you still have questions about why learning Linux is important, this article will put an end to any questions.

The system has proven to be increasingly dominant, especially in cloud computing, an area in which 83% of organizations run Linux on their servers.

This is what a survey by SUSE points out.

Companies such as Google, Facebook, NASA, the New York Stock Exchange and many others prefer Linux because of factors such as security, hardware flexibility, stability, and cost-benefit ratio.

All this leadership means that professionals who master the operating system and its languages have a broad market in which to operate.

Read on and understand why learning Linux is a great idea.

Why do companies use Linux?

The choice of Linux as an operating system by companies is not for nothing.

After all, its use implies keeping operating costs low without losing performance or quality.

Here are five reasons that justify why large companies, such as Google, prefer Linux:


When it comes to servers, Linux is much more stable than Windows, its main competitor.

This is because it manages to maintain constant performance for long periods without major interruptions.

You will hardly have to reboot a server running Linux, thus reducing the chances of any kind of damage or loss.

The stability of the system is such that it is possible to perform numerous processes at the same time without any loss.

In other words, there is also a gain in terms of performance.


Linux is one of the most secure systems in the world, largely because of its diverse environments, which allow IT teams to choose the most assertive alternative.

In addition, because it is an open source platform with a very active community, permissions and codes are usually always up to date, favoring stability for its users.

The presence of viruses and any other type of virtual threat is also rarer, since Linux has a range of features that make it difficult to modify data in system packages.

segurança linux### Hardware flexibility

Linux is compatible with a wide variety of hardware in the world.

This flexibility makes the operating system one of the most used in technological evolution, such as in the concept of the Internet of Things, for example.

Devices that are not computers make use of the platform because they are able to customize their solutions thanks to the customization capacity that Linux provides.

With specific changes, cars, appliances and other products are able to adapt processes to their realities and execute different commands.


Linux is a free operating system (although some basic software is paid), which guarantees implementation at almost no cost.

Technical support also ends up being more accessible, as it is a popular platform where there are numerous specialists trained to work on its architecture.

And what ends up weighing the most is their compatibility.

As we have seen, Linux works with almost any type of hardware.

Therefore, companies do not have to worry about buying new equipment to install on their servers.

In other words, it is an important economy, especially for smaller businesses.

What is the operating market for those who know Linux?

All the benefits that Linux offers make it a highly sought after platform by companies.

As a result, it can become excellent opportunities for those who master the operating system.

Discover the main possibilities for operating in the market:

Mobile development

Mobile solutions provide more dynamism, convenience and comfort for users and, therefore, do not stop gaining space.

Within this logic, devices with an Android system are the majority in the market.

And lo and behold: it’s basically a Linux-based software.

In other words, learning Linux enables you to develop apps for smartphones, for example.


Most Database Management Systems (DBMS) perform better when hosted in a Linux environment.

In other words, if you want to pursue a career as a database administrator, for example, mastering the Linux platform is something basic.

Cloud computing

With an increasing volume of data, companies have replaced physical spaces with the cloud to store information securely.

As we have seen, more than 80% of companies run the Linux system on their servers.

So, if you want to work with Big Data, learning Linux is the way.

Systems Administration

Mastering Linux is the first step for those seeking to act as a system and network administrator.

After all, it is also a dominant operating system in this area.

To manage servers, you’ll have to know the platform like no one else.

Where is it used? 11 examples of companies that use Linux

It is needless to repeat that the world’s leading companies, from different segments, are using Linux for the most diverse tasks and processes.

Whether it is to store large volumes of data, develop mobile solutions, customize demands, perform more assertive and dynamic maintenance, or optimize performance, the truth is that the operating system is gaining more and more space.

Here are examples of companies that use Linux:

1 — NASA

NASA needs great processing power to perform complex calculations, store data securely, and perform research and experiments.

Yes! NASA uses Linux on its satellites, on its robots, and on its supercomputers.

Nearly every supercomputer in the world uses Linux. Supercomputers are also used for various things that affect your daily life, practically without you realizing it.

The official figure is that almost 94% of the 500 largest supercomputers in the world run on Linux.

2 — CERN

The largest and most expensive man-made machine that tries to reveal the deepest and most fundamental mysteries of physics uses Scientific Linux.

The processors at CERN laboratories process more than 15 petabytes a year, the amount of data used to supply the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) in one year. Linux is very efficient in these tasks.

3 — The armies of the world

Specifically in the United States, the most advanced submarine fleet in the world uses Linux to control all on-board systems.

There are also many other US Army projects that use Linux, such as drones and aircraft.

4 — The New York Stock Exchange

150 billion in stocks and bonds are traded every day on the most active stock exchange on the planet.

And to their surprise, the New York Stock Exchange says Linux in all its operations, because any small mistake could mean a loss of several million dollars.

5 — The governments of the world

Several governments around the world are moving their operating systems to Linux because they cannot spend millions of dollars on licenses for other software. The change of course must be gradual.

In Brazil, it is mainly used for administrative tasks, that is, for the servers and PCs of users who work in the government.

6 — The Japanese bullet train

It is the most punctual railway system in the world and uses Linux for all its tasks, from organization, time control and administrative tasks.

Each year, the Shinkansen (bullet train) carries over 151 million passengers a year at a maximum speed of 320 km/h.

vantagens do linux### 7 — FAA

It’s the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. They must monitor all air traffic and perform many American aviation support and administration tasks.

Here specialists and artificial intelligence systems are required to perform calculations and make decisions that could affect thousands of passengers.

8 — Facebook

Facebook also uses Linux, specifically to operate the data of its more than 1.00 million users, using a modified version of CentOS 5.2.

9 — Google

The choice was simple for Google: the lowest price, the best performance, and the ability to customize any part of the operating system.

Google not only uses Linux on its thousands of high-performance servers, but also on PCs where each employee can customize their Linux however they want.

10 — Wikipedia

Over one million items that everyone uses for schoolwork are mounted on Linux servers.

Thousands of visitors per minute and less than 10 people to manage all maintenance work. Do you think you could do that with Windows?

11 — Android

The Android present in more than half of the world’s cell phones use Linux. Did you know?

How to learn Linux and stand out in the market?

After reading all of this and convincing yourself of the relevance of the operating system, you may be wondering: but what about now, how to learn Linux?

The good news is that there is no shortage of content for beginners on the subject.

Online courses, books, and some tutorials on the internet can help you give yours first steps.

Then, with a certain knowledge of the platform, you can venture to practice some programming on Linux and learn more about distributions (software sets) based on the operating system).

How about taking the first step?

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If you are determined to learn about the operating system most used by companies in the world, there is no better path than Linux Certification!

With an approval rate of 93%, with us, you can get your Linux certificate in less than three months.

In addition, we have the best training courses on the market, the most complete books, and all the support you need to become a true Linux specialist. Visit our site, check out our content and invest in knowledge to become a differentiated professional in the market.