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What is deployment, step by step, ways to do it, and more!

Deploy is one of the most important system development stages. This is because it is during this phase when that programmed idea is applied to the different devices.

For this reason, many developers feel apprehensive when deploying.

In this article, we will try to clarify everything about what deployment is so that this is not a task that causes so much amazement.

Enjoy reading!

What is deploy?

Deploy is a term used in other areas of knowledge, but its use is predominant in the Information Technology (IT) universe.

Deploy is basically that moment when the developed software is put on the air.

In the past, this action was much more difficult to perform. However, with today’s existing technologies, deploying is faster and more automatic.

In practice, deployment is that moment when you implement your site for external and public use.

Before, this system was only on your machine, but now other people will be able to try it.

In addition to what deployment is, understand how it works

deploy como funcionaBelow, we’ll explain a basic guide on how to start your deployment project. Check out the step by step:

Plan the deployment

Firstly, it is necessary to plan the deployment very well. To do this, it is necessary to choose an environment to apply your code.

You can choose a small server, some hosting, or even a Paas (Platform as a Service) platform.

This choice is very open, because the only condition is that the environment supports your deployment, as well as accept the programming languages you are using.

In addition, it is necessary to organize the domain of the site that you want to test your deployment. To do this, purchase a domain.

There are several platforms that sell domains, each with specific qualifications and prices. Therefore, our tip is to think about the best cost-benefit ratio.

After purchasing the domain, be sure to configure the DNS (Domain Name System) according to your server or hosting.

This is important for the domain to recognize your server.


It’s time to start developing the code, after all, you need to have something to implement.

If you already have experience with development, make your project for testing.

Otherwise, it is possible to implement your first code, also called “Hello World”.

It’s important to work with version control. One of the most popular is Git. If there is a problem with any version, it is possible to return very easily to the previous version.

Perform the necessary tests to deploy

Pre-test your deployment before starting the implementation.

To do this, it is recommended to take a break from the project and then review it again. This makes it easier to notice inconsistencies.

Adjust all necessary settings and start the process.

Implement deploy

Now is the time to implement your deploy. Perform the activity the way you learned, because the activity can be performed in different ways.

A golden tip is not to implement it on the last day before the break.

This is because, if your deployment fails, no one will be available to solve the problem.

The situation becomes even more chaotic if you test a deployment directly on a customer’s site. Rest assured, he’ll notice quickly and you’ll have to work overtime.

Monitor and optimize

That is the most important process. Once the code is already applied, monitor its operation.

Also, test all of its possible functions to see if everything works correctly.

In case of errors, remove the application from the air and correct the relevant codes.

Do you understand what deployment is? Learn the ways to do it:

formas de realizar deployThere are several ways to deploy. Below, we present the main ones:

Learn what automatic deployment is

This is the most optimal and complete deployment currently available. This type of deployment is capable of copying the changes to the server.

In addition, automatic deployment is responsible for facilitating what we call continuous integration.

It is possible for several programmers to work on the same project and for all those optimizations to be updated automatically.

Learn what partially automatic deployment is

A partially automatic deployment requires manual actions from a developer, but the update is performed automatically by the server.

Learn what manual deployment is

Manual deployment is the most classic type of deployment. For this reason, most experienced developers prefer it.

An example of manual deployment is the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which facilitates the exchange of files between two computers.

This process is performed manually by one or more professionals.

The most basic way to deploy manually is when editing the code and inserting it into production.

Strategies for deploying

There are a few strategies for the process of implementing your code. Check out 3 of them:

  • Rolling - This is the strategy of uploading new services to the new code at a time. That way, the old version should only be discarded after the whole new one is ready.
  • Blue-Green - Blue-Green is a strategy where there are two equal environments, also known as a mirror. All updates take place in the edition version, called blue. After completion, it is possible to send all modifications to the green version, which is the new one.
  • Canary - It is the strategy that allows displaying the service to a small number of users, who can still be defined by characteristics, such as gender and age.

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Before learning how to perform, one must learn the theory. In this blog, we raise very interesting points about what deployment is.

The important thing within IT is to always study. Many techniques are up to date and it is necessary to be aware of most of them.

Here you can see how to organize your deployment process in steps, in addition to seeing that there are other ways to carry it out.

Try to delve deeper into these variations, because your deployment tends to be increasingly assertive.

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