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The 7 Main Tools in Kali Linux for Pentest

It is not new that Linux is one of the best operating systems of all time, and has several distributions (or distros) to meet the most diverse user needs.

One of these distributions is Kali Linux, GNU based on Debian, focused entirely on invasion strategies and tests in order to make your system more secure and verify security mechanisms.

Although well known, the distribution may raise many doubts among those who are now discovering the subject.

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What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is one of the GNU Linux distributions, based on Debian, with over 300 testing, security status, and pentest tools.

This is a system that many ethical hackers use to test their clients’ systems in order to identify gaps and devise strategic improvements to apply.

Because it is a super advanced system, not just anyone is able to use it — specialized professionals do very well with the interface and resources, but beginners will not always be as successful.

But that does not mean that, after familiarizing yourself with the tool, it is not possible to use it as an ally in Linux and IT security strategies and data reliability.

In fact, it is interesting that you are interested in the area and, if you already like to develop or program and are interested in pursuing a career as an ethical hacker, you found in Kali Linux what you needed to get started.

One of the biggest positive points about this tool is the possibility of obtaining it for free, that is, enjoying all these features without having to pay anything.

In addition, it is customizable and offers support for wireless devices, which is a great advantage.

These are just a few differentials, but Kali Linux also has other interesting categories, such as:

  • Information Collection;
  • Vulnerability Analysis;
  • Forensic Tools;
  • Wireless Attacks;
  • Stress Testing;
  • Web Applications;
  • Exploration Tools;
  • Sniffing & Spoofing;
  • Password Attacks;
  • Maintaining Access;
  • Hardware Hacking;
  • Anonymity;
  • Data Encryption and Anti-Forensics;
  • Reverse Engineering;
  • Reporting Tools;
  • Vulnerable Testing Environments.

Kali Linux penetration testing tools

To better understand how Kali Linux penetration tests work, it is enough to analyze all the tools that this system offers, each with its own functionalities and particularities to meet the most diverse demands.

All of these testing tools are available to users of Kali Linux and make the entire process of hacking and distributing malicious commands easier.

1. BeEF

Kali Linux’s first penetration testing tool is the Browser Exploitation Framework, better known as BeFF, which investigates all XSS vulnerabilities on a site.

When that happens, you become the hacker and the users of that browser are the victims. Through BeFF, it is possible to control all user activity in the browser, even making them download malware and viruses.

2. Lynis

Lynis is responsible for conducting security test audits and scanning or searching all aspects of a system.

Depending on the vulnerability detected, it is possible to study it further in depth and penetrate through this breach.

3. Aircrack-ng

Unlike the previous ones, Aircrack-ng is an attack tool for wireless networks, breaking keys such as WPA and WEP, implementing various attacks.

With it, it is possible to monitor, extract information, attack, test, and crack wireless network systems.

4. Network Mapper (Nmap)

Network Mapper, also known as Nmap, is a tool responsible for scanning networks and servers, discovering their IP, security details, and information about the owner.

In addition to scanning, it is capable of detecting vulnerabilities and invading systems, more specifically servers.

5. THC Hydra

THC Hydra is the best option for cracking passwords with brute force, executing a range of attacks through over 50 different types of dictionaries.

These dictionaries test various combinations of passwords and symbols to log into available and vulnerable systems and databases, most of the time being productive, with successful attacks.

6. Metasploit Framework

The Metasploit Framework tool is capable of executing code on remote machines, through data exploration and coding techniques.

It is interesting that, in order to be useful and effective, the hacker who uses Metasploit follows a step by step ranging from choosing the exploration, verifying the target system, configuring the code and executing it.

Thus, it is relatively simple to hack remote systems. The framework facilitates the intruder’s journey, making it less cumbersome.

7. Nessus

The Nessus tool can be used by ethical hackers to ensure the security of their own system, identifying possible vulnerabilities that may be the target of attack by a malicious intruder.

To activate it, you will need to subscribe to the paid plan, or use the 7-day free trial period to draw your conclusions and see if you really want to have more of this tool at your disposal.

It is also very useful for hackers who take care of more than one computer or device on a network.

With this instrument, it can guarantee the security of other connected devices, always by identifying vulnerabilities and eliminating errors.


![ferramentas kali linux conclusão](
Photo: Pexels | Intrusion and penetration testing tools.
Have you noticed how the Kali Linux tool for Pentest is useful in the daily lives of ethical hackers or IT security professionals?

Without a doubt, learning about these tools and starting to use them can be a determining factor for your career and presence in the labor market.

In addition to them, there are many other Linux security techniques and methods that you need to know.