
What is shell script? Understand and see examples of applications

What is shell script? This may be a fairly common question for those who are starting out on the Linux…

2 years ago

How to turn commands into scripts

How to turn commands into scripts Are you an IT professional, support professional, or developer, have you ever considered…

2 years ago

Shell expansions on Linux [Basic Guide]

Linux allows the use of Shell expansions, useful for using the output of commands in variables. The result can be…

2 years ago

Autoexpect command on Linux (software testing) [Basic Guide]

The autoexpect command on Linux and expect can be extremely useful for testing software. Imagine that you built a program…

2 years ago

Until Command on Linux (Loop – Until) [Basic Guide]

The until command on Linux is the opposite of the while command, but it executes something while the test is…

2 years ago

printf command on Linux (formats data) [Basic Guide]

The printf command in Linux formats and prints data. It is generally used in small scripts and follows the FORMAT…

2 years ago

Variables in the Linux Shell [Basic Guide]

Even if you're not a programmer, you may have heard of variables. They are a way for the computer to…

2 years ago

Linux Command Interpreter #! Shebang [Basic Guide]

Every script that will be executed on Linux must indicate the Command Interpreter, it must start with the characters “#!…

2 years ago

Curl command on Linux (download files) [Basic Guide]

The curl command on Linux can be used to download files, as well as talk to Web APIs directly from…

2 years ago

Set/unset command on Linux (Shell variables and functions) [Basic Guide]

The set command provides a list of all local variables, environmental variables, and shell functions. Some set command options change…

2 years ago

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