
Expand command on Linux (swap tab for space) [Basic Guide]

The expand command in Linux allows you to convert tabs into spaces in a file and when no file is…

2 years ago

printf command on Linux (formats data) [Basic Guide]

The printf command in Linux formats and prints data. It is generally used in small scripts and follows the FORMAT…

2 years ago

Linux version control with Git [Basic Guide]

Version control on Linux with git of the source code during software development is important, even for those who develop…

2 years ago

Expect command on Linux (software testing) [Basic Guide]

The expect command on Linux and autoexpect can be extremely useful for testing software. Imagine that you built a program…

2 years ago

Exec command on Linux (runs by replacing the shell) [Basic Guide]

The exec command in Linux is used to invoke other commands, programs, or processes without creating a child process, replacing…

2 years ago

Linux ldd command (list dependencies) [Basic Guide]

The ldd command in Linux - List Dynamic Dependencies - provides a list of the dynamic dependencies that a given…

2 years ago

Visual Studio for Linux

Two days after releasing Visual Studio 2022 for Windows and Mac, Microsoft today released Visual Studio Code for Linux as…

2 years ago

Linux case command (compare values) [Basic Guide]

The case command in Linux is an intelligent way to compare the value of something with various standards. If an…

2 years ago

Linux Shell for Beginners

A term that raises a lot of questions among beginners is the Linux Shell. It is true that the Linux…

2 years ago

Linux gdb command (program debugging) [Basic Guide]

The gdb command in Linux is a very useful tool for debugging software compiled with GCC. Using the gdb debugger…

2 years ago

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