
Install WordPress 5, Nginx, MariaDB 10, and PHP 7 on Debian 9

WordPress 5 was released recently with some fundamental changes, such as the Gutenberg editor, which is wonderful. In this article…

2 years ago

Why study Linux?

Greetings, If you're reading these In other words, it's because you probably made several decisions. First of all, you, You…

2 years ago

Install WordPress 5, Nginx, MariaDB 10, and PHP 7 on CentOS or Redhat

WordPress 5 was released recently with some fundamental changes, such as the Gutenberg editor, which is wonderful. In this article…

2 years ago

How do you know if you’re being attacked with Denial of Service?

Denial of Service attacks are difficult to mitigate, since they generally involve normal connections and normal traffic, but in an…

2 years ago

Why is Linux free?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the history of the creation of this operating system. First, UNIX…

2 years ago

Discover the advantages of Linux for Information Security

It's not new that Linux is one of the most secure Operating Systems on the market. Thus, choosing it for…

2 years ago

Systemd: how it works, differences for sysvinit and commands

If you have recently started studying the Linux system, you must have come across “systemd”. But do you know exactly…

2 years ago

Linux source command (shell function library) [Basic Guide]

The source command is used to read a library file with various functions to the shell in a script file…

2 years ago

Linux nmap command (network scan) [Basic Guide]

The nmap Command in Linux is a powerful tool for discovering open ports on local or remote hosts. It can…

2 years ago

Configuring DNS on Linux (client) [Basic Guide]

The DNS - Domain Name System is used to resolve names to IP addresses and vice versa. In this article,…

2 years ago

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