Categories: How-To

Debian Linux: features, advantages, and how to install

Debian Linux is an operating system that uses the kernel, that is, the basis of the Linux system, which is open-source.

If you are starting to take your first steps in the Linux universe, starting with Debian may be the best option because of its user-friendly interface and interesting processes.

To help you with this, the Linux Certification team developed this complete content, with everything you need to know about Debian. It’s worth reading to the end and checking it out. Follow up!

What is Debian Linux? Main features

Debian Linux is an operating system created in 1993 by Ian Murdock, based on the Linux system.

As such, it presents a set of software capable of facilitating the user’s daily life, meeting all their needs.

According to official sources, there are almost 60000 packages that come with this system, completely simple to install and configure.

The best part is that both Debian and all the software it includes are free and free. After all, this is the purpose of Linux: to be open source and accessible to all users and all professionals.

This also allows the system to be constantly improved by the community that uses its source code.

A major differential of Debian is its legacy of “only being ready when it is ready”, that is, before any release of updates or modifications, they are thoroughly tested, until making sure that there are no bugs or instabilities.

The concern for the well-being and satisfaction of the end user is truly impressive. This is a beautiful differentiator of Debian.

In addition to its proven efficiency and high performance, there are also several interesting curiosities that attract attention when it comes to Debian. The name itself is the combination of the name of the creator (Ian Murdock) and his wife, Debra.

Although interesting, curiosities like this are not the purpose of the article. We want to show you how window managers and package management work, which are major highlights of this operating system.

Window managers

Window managers control how each window will be distributed within the system and the graphical interface present in it. The goal is to form an intuitive and simple desktop.

In Debian, window managers are renowned for their flexibility. Everything happens through the GNOME project, which structures and integrates the applications.

Layout and usability are important points. Therefore, the main desktop environments are KDE, Xfce and LXDE and MATE, which works as a continuation of GNOME.

Among them, the most common window managers for Debian are Openbox,

FluxBox and Compiz, which are lightweight and simple to handle.

Package Management

To manage, i.e. install, modify, remove, and configure the applications, package managers in Debian such as the dpkg command and Synaptic can be used.

At the same time, the most common is the APT tool, known as the Advanced Packing Tool, which makes it possible to configure applications and libraries.

To activate it, simply activate the apt-get install command. Thus, the application is downloaded and configured. It is something simple, capable of facilitating the users’ routine.

Where is Debian most used?

Photo: Pexels | Debian Linux being used on servers.

Debian is extremely stable and therefore widely used by software developers and programmers. In addition to them, many army bases and research centers around the world use this system.

Several companies, distributed around the globe, rely on Debian as the main operating system for their computers and devices.

In Brazil, there are more than 21 large companies registered using the system, apart from those that are not recognized by the organization.

Another very common place in Debian is on servers. Because it is highly stable and secure, it is perfect for managing so much information and data from these locations.

Debian or Ubuntu: comparison between distributions

Ubuntu is based on Debian, which is a more macro and robust system. The main difference between the two is that Debian is highly customizable, secure, and focused on high performance.

Whereas Ubuntu is more focused on easy installation and compatibility, in addition to good package management.

Another point is the issue of the stability and release cycle of applications and resources. In Debian, because it is super stable and without any for-profit company, releases take longer to happen.

Whereas with Ubuntu, there are for-profit companies that sponsor and accelerate the flow of releases and creation of new versions for users.

Why choose Debian?

Now check out some enormous advantages of using the Debian system in your daily life:


cost of long-term maintenance

Advantages Disadvantages
It is free and free, open source software Updates are slow to arrive due to internal testing processes
Highly stable and secure Some hardware may not be 100% compatible with the system due to the difficulty of updates
It has great hardware support and flexible
It has a large community of professionals
No or very low
It’s perfect for servers, which don’t need to be connected to the network

Why use Ubuntu

Using Ubuntu can also have several advantages, depending on your reality. The choice between Linux distributions must be made according to your needs and expectations. Check out the Ubuntu comparison table:

Advantages Disadvantages It is easy to install and use, in addition to being free It requires more robust hardware to run It is intuitive and safe, ready to use The support time of some versions is limited to 3 to 5 years It presents several useful programs necessary for the good performance of the system. It is constantly updated, with releases faster than Debian

Simplified step by step for installing Debian

Photo: Pexels | Debian Linux, how to install and activate.

Installation via CD or DVD:

  1. first, back up all the files that you already have on your computer with the help of a pendrive or external hard drive;
  2. search the official Debian website and download all the files needed to make the installation;
  3. also download the Debian installation image and burn it to a CD or DVD to be executed later; restart your computer with the CD inside in
  4. order to boot with it;
  5. use the “Debian Live” version, which allows you to browse the system without compromise, for testing purposes, before actually installing it;
  6. finally, install Debian according to all the steps shown.

Now, the installation via Flash Drive:

  1. Do all the backup normally, as mentioned in the list above;
  2. download the Debian image file and install it on your pendrive;
  3. restart your device with the pendrive connected;
  4. with the computer restarted, access the BIOS and follow all the instructions provided there;
  5. install everything as recommended by the installation wizard.

Did you see how simple it is? It is not necessary to have in-depth knowledge about programming or any other discipline in the computer universe.

Just follow the steps and, if you have any questions or impediments during the process, simply seek help from the Debian online communities.


Have you noticed how Debian Linux is something worth investing in? In this article, you understood exactly what Debian is, what are its main differentials, advantages and disadvantages, and also how to install it for everyday use.

If you like this type of content, about the Linux universe, you need to know the other articles available on the Linux Certification Blog.

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Uirá Endy Ribeiro

Uirá Endy Ribeiro is a Software Developer and Cloud Computing Architect with a 23-year career. He has master's degrees in computer science and fifteen IT certifications and is the author of 11 books recognized in the IT world market. He is also Director at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and Director of the Linux Professional Institute - LPI Director's Board.

Uirá Endy Ribeiro

Uirá Endy Ribeiro is a Software Developer and Cloud Computing Architect with a 23-year career. He has master's degrees in computer science and fifteen IT certifications and is the author of 11 books recognized in the IT world market. He is also Director at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and Director of the Linux Professional Institute - LPI Director's Board.

Published by
Uirá Endy Ribeiro

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