Text Tools

Cut command in Linux (cut by columns) [Basic Guide]

The cut command in Linux literally translated means cut. It reads the content of one or more files and outputs…

2 years ago

Nano command on Linux (text editor) [Basic Guide]

A widely used editor on Linux, especially for beginners, is the nano command on Linux. It is somewhat reminiscent of…

2 years ago

Linux sort command (sort data) [Basic Guide]

The sort command in Linux sorts the lines of a file. Once ordered, a file can be processed by other…

2 years ago

Uniq command on Linux (remove duplicates) [Basic Guide]

The uniq command on Linux removes duplicate lines from an ordered file. That's why it's often used in conjunction with…

2 years ago

WC command on Linux (word count) [Basic Guide]

The wc command on Linux shows the lines, words, and number of characters in a file, in this order. Suppose…

2 years ago

Split command on Linux (split files) [Basic Guide]

The split command in Linux (split) is used to split large files into smaller n-files. The output files are generated…

2 years ago

Head command on Linux (see file start) [Basic Guide]

The head command in Linux is used to view the opening lines of a file. It's the opposite of the…

2 years ago

jq command on Linux (manipulates json files) [Basic Guide]

The jq command is indispensable for manipulating data in JSON format, such as indenting, sorting, compressing, and displaying JSON keys.…

2 years ago

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