Shell Script

Linux while command (loop – while) [Basic Guide]

The shell has structures for testing conditions and executing certain program sequences several times (loop), until the tested condition is…

2 years ago

Special Variables in Linux $0 $? $$ $# [Basic Guide]

An important feature of shell scripts is the possibility of confirming execution with success of a given command. Special return…

2 years ago

Linux test command (test conditions) [Basic Guide]

The test command is a great tool for testing conditions. Based on the return variable of the test command, programming…

2 years ago

jq command on Linux (manipulates json files) [Basic Guide]

The jq command is indispensable for manipulating data in JSON format, such as indenting, sorting, compressing, and displaying JSON keys.…

2 years ago

What is shell script? Understand and see examples of applications

What is shell script? This may be a fairly common question for those who are starting out on the Linux…

2 years ago

Regular Expressions on Linux [Basic Guide]

Let's be serious. Get the kids out of the classroom. If you don't know a lot about regular expressions on…

2 years ago

Text Filters on Linux [Basic Guide]

Linux has several tools for working with and transforming text files. These tools are called text filters and are useful…

2 years ago

History command on Linux (command history) [Basic Guide]

The history command is used to list the contents of the ~/. bash_history of the logged in user, and lists…

2 years ago

Variables in the Linux Shell [Basic Guide]

Working with variables in the Linux Shell is essential for any system administrator, since they together with some commands give…

2 years ago

Awk command on Linux (processes data) [Basic Guide]

The awk command in Linux is a powerful tool that allows you to process texts and make changes to files.…

2 years ago

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