
Free Linux command (memory usage) [Basic Guide]

Free Linux command shows the amount of total memory in use and available, as well as cache and swap information.…

2 years ago

Are you familiar with the command nice and renice?

It is possible to change the execution priority of processes using the commands nice and renice. These commands are extremely…

2 years ago

Tail command on Linux (final file reading) [Basic Guide]

The tail command on Linux displays the last 10 lines of a file in the terminal. It also continuously reads…

2 years ago

Linux redirections (stdin and stdout) [Basic Guide]

Another important concept is redirection. Since Linux was created by programmers for programmers, it was necessary for commands and processes…

2 years ago

bg command on Linux (background processes) [Basic Guide]

As a multitasking operating system, Linux supports the execution of many processes - which they are nothing more than programs…

2 years ago

Linux Redirects and Pipes [Basic Guide]

An important concept in Linux is redirection. Since everything in Linux is a file, it was necessary for commands and…

2 years ago

Top command on Linux (list processes) [Basic Guide]

The top command in Linux is an interesting way of looking at processes running on Linux, with screen updates and…

2 years ago

ps command on Linux (view processes) [Basic Guide]

The ps command in Linux generates a list of all running processes and their attributes. There was a time in…

2 years ago

Linux commands: complete guide to managing processes

Do you know how to execute commands to manage processes on Linux? This is a natural difficulty for all beginning…

2 years ago

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