Disks and Partitions

Linux fstab file (disk mount setup) [Basic Guide]

The /etc/fstab file stores the configuration of which devices should be mounted and what is the mount point of each…

2 years ago

Linux gdisk command (partitioning disk) [Basic Guide]

The gdisk command in Linux is similar to fdisk and allows you to manipulate and create partitions. It was specially…

2 years ago

du command on Linux (Disk Usage) [Basic Guide]

The du command in Linux (disk usage) will provide a detailed list of disk usage. It is very useful for…

2 years ago

mkfs command on Linux (format disk) [Basic Guide]

The mkfs command on Linux formats the partition created by fdisk/gdisk/parted with the file system. The file system type is…

2 years ago

df command on Linux (disk free) [Basic Guide]

The df command in Linux (disk free) shows the capacity used of a file system in terms of space and…

2 years ago

Linux partitions: the guide with all the essential information

If you were another person who surrendered to Linux, then you are certainly looking for information about the particularities of…

2 years ago

Linux fdisk command (changes partitions) [Basic Guide]

The fdisk command in Linux is a utility for creating, listing, altering, and deleting disk partitions. It is very robust…

2 years ago

Linux fsck command (fixes file system) [Basic Guide]

The fsck command on Linux is actually a “wrapper” used to call other commands that are variations of fsck for…

2 years ago

Logical Volume Manager – LVM on Linux [Basic Guide]

LVM is useful for managing disks in an intelligent way through volumes. Discover this technology used in many distributions LVM…

2 years ago

Linux mount command (mount file systems) [Basic Guide]

The mount command in Linux is used to mount a device in the Linux file system hierarchy manually. To unmount…

2 years ago

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