Categories: How-To

Benefits of Linux Certification

See the direct benefits of LPI certification

1. A great way to prove your competence. It’s one thing to know. The other is to prove it. This is why the
LPI test requires a lot from the candidate, so that those approved are in fact capable of operating a Linux system whatever it may be.

2. Replace a possible lack of experience. It is very common during job interviews for candidates to be overlooked due to lack of experience. Even more so for recent graduates in the area of computing. But a certification addresses this curricular deficiency with flying colors.

3. Learn Linux in a didactic and objective way. If you’ve ever tried to learn Linux but gave up, it’s because you tried the wrong method. It takes focus, discipline, and well-defined objectives.

4. Get a Promotion. The long-awaited promotion only appears to those who are well prepared and to those whose boss sees the will and capacity for growth. Companies always bet on the potential of people and not on what the person has already done. Companies promote looking ahead and not through the rearview mirror.

5. Add value to your business card. If you are an IT consultant, you will add great value to your business card with a certification right under your name. You can bet!

Do you want to better prepare for the exams? Take our Linux exam preparation course.

Learn much more about Linux in our online course. You can enroll here with a free 7-day trial. If you already have an account, you can log in here.

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Uirá Endy Ribeiro

Uirá Endy Ribeiro is a Software Developer and Cloud Computing Architect with a 23-year career. He has master's degrees in computer science and fifteen IT certifications and is the author of 11 books recognized in the IT world market. He is also Director at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and Director of the Linux Professional Institute - LPI Director's Board.

Uirá Endy Ribeiro

Uirá Endy Ribeiro is a Software Developer and Cloud Computing Architect with a 23-year career. He has master's degrees in computer science and fifteen IT certifications and is the author of 11 books recognized in the IT world market. He is also Director at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and Director of the Linux Professional Institute - LPI Director's Board.

Published by
Uirá Endy Ribeiro
Tags: benefitsLPI

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